
Module implementing preprocessing defences against adversarial attacks.

Base Class Preprocessor

class art.defences.preprocessor.Preprocessor(is_fitted: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = True)

Abstract base class for preprocessing defences.

By default, the gradient is estimated using BPDA with the identity function.

To modify, override estimate_gradient

abstract __call__(x: ndarray, y: Any | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, Any | None]

Perform data preprocessing and return preprocessed data as tuple.

  • x (ndarray) – Dataset to be preprocessed.

  • y – Labels to be preprocessed.


Preprocessed data.

__init__(is_fitted: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = True) None

Create a preprocessing object.

Optionally, set attributes.


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

property apply_fit: bool

Property of the defence indicating if it should be applied at training time.


True if the defence should be applied when fitting a model, False otherwise.

property apply_predict: bool

Property of the defence indicating if it should be applied at test time.


True if the defence should be applied at prediction time, False otherwise.

estimate_gradient(x: ndarray, grad: ndarray) ndarray

Provide an estimate of the gradients of the defence for the backward pass. If the defence is not differentiable, this is an estimate of the gradient, most often replacing the computation performed by the defence with the identity function (the default).

Return type:


  • x (ndarray) – Input data for which the gradient is estimated. First dimension is the batch size.

  • grad (ndarray) – Gradient value so far.


The gradient (estimate) of the defence.

fit(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None, **kwargs) None

Fit the parameters of the data preprocessor if it has any.

  • x (ndarray) – Training set to fit the preprocessor.

  • y – Labels for the training set.

  • kwargs – Other parameters.

forward(x: Any, y: Any | None = None) Tuple[Any, Any]

Perform data preprocessing and return preprocessed data.

  • x – Dataset to be preprocessed.

  • y – Labels to be preprocessed.


Preprocessed data.

property is_fitted: bool

Return the state of the preprocessing object.


True if the preprocessing model has been fitted (if this applies).

set_params(**kwargs) None

Take in a dictionary of parameters and apply checks before saving them as attributes.


class art.defences.preprocessor.CutMix(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, probability: float = 0.5, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the CutMix data augmentation defence approach.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply CutMix data augmentation to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to augment with shape of NCHW, NHWC, NCFHW or NFHWC.

  • y – Labels of x either one-hot or multi-hot encoded of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes) or class indices of shape (nb_samples,).


Data augmented sample. The returned labels will be probability vectors of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes).

__init__(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, probability: float = 0.5, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) None

Create an instance of a CutMix data augmentation object.

  • num_classes (int) – The number of classes used for one-hot encoding.

  • alpha (float) – The hyperparameter for sampling the combination ratio.

  • probability (float) – The probability of applying CutMix per sample.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

CutMix - PyTorch

class art.defences.preprocessor.CutMixPyTorch(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, probability: float = 0.5, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, device_type: str = 'gpu', verbose: bool = False)

Implement the CutMix data augmentation defence approach in PyTorch.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, probability: float = 0.5, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, device_type: str = 'gpu', verbose: bool = False) None

Create an instance of a CutMix data augmentation object.

  • num_classes (int) – The number of classes used for one-hot encoding.

  • alpha (float) – The hyperparameter for sampling the combination ratio.

  • probability (float) – The probability of applying CutMix per sample.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • device_type (str) – Type of device on which the classifier is run, either gpu or cpu.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

forward(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]

Apply CutMix data augmentation to sample x.

  • x – Sample to augment with shape of NCHW, NHWC, NCFHW or NFHWC.

  • y – Labels of x either one-hot or multi-hot encoded of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes) or class indices of shape (nb_samples,).


Data augmented sample. The returned labels will be probability vectors of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes).

CutMix - TensorFlowV2

class art.defences.preprocessor.CutMixTensorFlowV2(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, probability: float = 0.5, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the CutMix data augmentation defence approach in TensorFlow v2.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, probability: float = 0.5, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) None

Create an instance of a CutMix data augmentation object.

  • num_classes (int) – The number of classes used for one-hot encoding.

  • alpha (float) – The hyperparameter for sampling the combination ratio.

  • probability (float) – The probability of applying CutMix per sample.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

forward(x: tf.Tensor, y: tf.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor | None]

Apply CutMix data augmentation to sample x.

  • x – Sample to augment with shape of NCHW, NHWC, NCFHW or NFHWC.

  • y – Labels of x either one-hot or multi-hot encoded of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes) or class indices of shape (nb_samples,).


Data augmented sample. The returned labels will be probability vectors of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes).


class art.defences.preprocessor.Cutout(length: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the Cutout data augmentation defence approach.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply Cutout data augmentation to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to cut out with shape of NCHW, NHWC, NCFHW or NFHWC. x values are expected to be in the data range [0, 1] or [0, 255].

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Data augmented sample.

__init__(length: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False) None

Create an instance of a Cutout data augmentation object.

  • length (int) – Maximum length of the bounding box.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

Cutout - PyTorch

class art.defences.preprocessor.CutoutPyTorch(length: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, device_type: str = 'gpu', verbose: bool = False)

Implement the Cutout data augmentation defence approach in PyTorch.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(length: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, device_type: str = 'gpu', verbose: bool = False)

Create an instance of a Cutout data augmentation object.

  • length (int) – Maximum length of the bounding box.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • device_type (str) – Type of device on which the classifier is run, either gpu or cpu.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

forward(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]

Apply Cutout data augmentation to sample x.

  • x – Sample to cut out with shape of NCHW, NHWC, NCFHW or NFHWC. x values are expected to be in the data range [0, 1] or [0, 255].

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Data augmented sample.

Cutout - TensorFlowV2

class art.defences.preprocessor.CutoutTensorFlowV2(length: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the Cutout data augmentation defence approach in TensorFlow v2.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(length: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, verbose: bool = False)

Create an instance of a Cutout data augmentation object.

  • length (int) – Maximum length of the bounding box.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

forward(x: tf.Tensor, y: tf.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor | None]

Apply Cutout data augmentation to sample x.

  • x – Sample to cut out with shape of NCHW, NHWC, NCFHW or NFHWC. x values are expected to be in the data range [0, 1] or [0, 255].

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Data augmented sample.

Feature Squeezing

class art.defences.preprocessor.FeatureSqueezing(clip_values: Tuple[int | float | ndarray, int | float | ndarray], bit_depth: int = 8, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True)

Reduces the sensibility of the features of a sample.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply feature squeezing to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to squeeze. x values are expected to be in the data range provided by clip_values.

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Squeezed sample.

__init__(clip_values: Tuple[int | float | ndarray, int | float | ndarray], bit_depth: int = 8, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True) None

Create an instance of feature squeezing.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • bit_depth (int) – The number of bits per channel for encoding the data.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

Gaussian Data Augmentation

class art.defences.preprocessor.GaussianAugmentation(sigma: float = 1.0, augmentation: bool = True, ratio: float = 1.0, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False)

Add Gaussian noise to a dataset in one of two ways: either add noise to each sample (keeping the size of the original dataset) or perform augmentation by keeping all original samples and adding noisy counterparts. When used as part of a Classifier instance, the defense will be applied automatically only when training if augmentation is true, and only when performing prediction otherwise.

__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Augment the sample (x, y) with Gaussian noise. The result is either an extended dataset containing the original sample, as well as the newly created noisy samples (augmentation=True) or just the noisy counterparts to the original samples.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to augment with shape (batch_size, width, height, depth).

  • y – Labels for the sample. If this argument is provided, it will be augmented with the corresponded original labels of each sample point.


The augmented dataset and (if provided) corresponding labels.

__init__(sigma: float = 1.0, augmentation: bool = True, ratio: float = 1.0, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False)

Initialize a Gaussian augmentation object.

  • sigma (float) – Standard deviation of Gaussian noise to be added.

  • augmentation (bool) – If true, perform dataset augmentation using ratio, otherwise replace samples with noisy counterparts.

  • ratio (float) – Percentage of data augmentation. E.g. for a rate of 1, the size of the dataset will double. If augmentation is false, ratio value is ignored.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.


class art.defences.preprocessor.InverseGAN(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, gan: TensorFlowGenerator, inverse_gan: TensorFlowEncoder | None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = False)

Given a latent variable generating a given adversarial sample, either inferred by an inverse GAN or randomly generated, the InverseGAN optimizes that latent variable to project a sample as close as possible to the adversarial sample without the adversarial noise.

__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None, **kwargs) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Applies the InverseGAN defence upon the sample input.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample input.

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Defended input.

__init__(sess: tf.compat.v1.Session, gan: TensorFlowGenerator, inverse_gan: TensorFlowEncoder | None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = False)

Create an instance of an InverseGAN.

  • sess – TF session for computations.

  • gan – GAN model.

  • inverse_gan – Inverse GAN model.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

compute_loss(z_encoding: ndarray, image_adv: ndarray) ndarray

Given a encoding z, computes the loss between the projected sample and the original sample.

Return type:


  • z_encoding (ndarray) – The encoding z.

  • image_adv (ndarray) – The adversarial image.


The loss value

estimate_gradient(x: ndarray, grad: ndarray) ndarray

Compute the gradient of the loss function w.r.t. a z_encoding input within a GAN against a corresponding adversarial sample.

Return type:


  • x (ndarray) – The encoding z.

  • grad (ndarray) – Target values of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes).


Array of gradients of the same shape as z_encoding.


class art.defences.preprocessor.DefenseGAN(sess, gan)

Implementation of DefenseGAN.

__init__(sess, gan)

Create an instance of DefenseGAN.

JPEG Compression

class art.defences.preprocessor.JpegCompression(clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE, quality: int = 50, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the JPEG compression defence approach.

For input images or videos with 3 color channels the compression is applied in mode RGB (3x8-bit pixels, true color), for all other numbers of channels the compression is applied for each channel with mode L (8-bit pixels, black and white).

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply JPEG compression to sample x.

For input images or videos with 3 color channels the compression is applied in mode RGB (3x8-bit pixels, true color), for all other numbers of channels the compression is applied for each channel with mode L (8-bit pixels, black and white).

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to compress with shape of NCHW, NHWC, NCFHW or NFHWC. x values are expected to be in the data range [0, 1] or [0, 255].

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


compressed sample.

__init__(clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE, quality: int = 50, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Create an instance of JPEG compression.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • quality (int) – The image quality, on a scale from 1 (worst) to 95 (best). Values above 95 should be avoided.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

Label Smoothing

class art.defences.preprocessor.LabelSmoothing(max_value: float = 0.9, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False)

Computes a vector of smooth labels from a vector of hard ones. The hard labels have to contain ones for the correct classes and zeros for all the others. The remaining probability mass between max_value and 1 is distributed uniformly between the incorrect classes for each instance.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see .
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply label smoothing.

  • x (ndarray) – Input data, will not be modified by this method.

  • y – Original vector of label probabilities (one-vs-rest).


Unmodified input data and the vector of smooth probabilities as correct labels.


ValueError – If no labels are provided.

__init__(max_value: float = 0.9, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False) None

Create an instance of label smoothing.

  • max_value (float) – Value to affect to correct label

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.


class art.defences.preprocessor.Mixup(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, num_mix: int = 2, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False)

Implement the Mixup data augmentation defence approach.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply Mixup data augmentation to feature data x and labels y.

  • x (ndarray) – Feature data to augment with shape (batch_size, …).

  • y – Labels of x either one-hot or multi-hot encoded of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes) or class indices of shape (nb_samples,).


Data augmented sample. The returned labels will be probability vectors of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes).


ValueError – If no labels are provided.

__init__(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, num_mix: int = 2, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False) None

Create an instance of a Mixup data augmentation object.

  • num_classes (int) – The number of classes used for one-hot encoding.

  • alpha (float) – The hyperparameter for the mixing interpolation strength.

  • num_mix (int) – The number of samples to mix for k-way Mixup.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

Mixup - PyTorch

class art.defences.preprocessor.MixupPyTorch(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, num_mix: int = 2, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, device_type: str = 'gpu')

Implement the Mixup data augmentation defence approach in PyTorch.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, num_mix: int = 2, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False, device_type: str = 'gpu') None

Create an instance of a Mixup data augmentation object.

  • num_classes (int) – The number of classes used for one-hot encoding.

  • alpha (float) – The hyperparameter for the mixing interpolation strength.

  • num_mix (int) – The number of samples to mix for k-way Mixup.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • device_type (str) – Type of device on which the classifier is run, either gpu or cpu.

forward(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]

Apply Mixup data augmentation to feature data x and labels y.

  • x – Feature data to augment with shape (batch_size, …).

  • y – Labels of x either one-hot or multi-hot encoded of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes) or class indices of shape (nb_samples,).


Data augmented sample. The returned labels will be probability vectors of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes).


ValueError – If no labels are provided.

Mixup - TensorFlowV2

class art.defences.preprocessor.MixupTensorFlowV2(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, num_mix: int = 2, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False)

Implement the Mixup data augmentation defence approach in TensorFlow v2.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(num_classes: int, alpha: float = 1.0, num_mix: int = 2, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = False) None

Create an instance of a Mixup data augmentation object.

  • num_classes (int) – The number of classes used for one-hot encoding.

  • alpha (float) – The hyperparameter for the mixing interpolation strength.

  • num_mix (int) – The number of samples to mix for k-way Mixup.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • device_type – Type of device on which the classifier is run, either gpu or cpu.

forward(x: tf.Tensor, y: tf.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor | None]

Apply Mixup data augmentation to feature data x and labels y.

  • x – Feature data to augment with shape (batch_size, …).

  • y – Labels of x either one-hot or multi-hot encoded of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes) or class indices of shape (nb_samples,).


Data augmented sample. The returned labels will be probability vectors of shape (nb_samples, nb_classes).


ValueError – If no labels are provided.

Mp3 Compression

class art.defences.preprocessor.Mp3Compression(sample_rate: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the MP3 compression defense approach.

__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply MP3 compression to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to compress with shape (batch_size, length, channel) or an array of sample arrays with shape (length,) or (length, channel).

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Compressed sample.

__init__(sample_rate: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) None

Create an instance of MP3 compression.

  • sample_rate (int) – Specifies the sampling rate of sample.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.


class art.defences.preprocessor.PixelDefend(clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE = (0.0, 1.0), eps: int = 16, pixel_cnn: CLASSIFIER_NEURALNETWORK_TYPE | None = None, batch_size: int = 128, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the pixel defence approach. Defense based on PixelCNN that projects samples back to the data manifold.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply pixel defence to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to defense with shape (batch_size, width, height, depth). x values are expected to be in the data range [0, 1].

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Purified sample.

__init__(clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE = (0.0, 1.0), eps: int = 16, pixel_cnn: CLASSIFIER_NEURALNETWORK_TYPE | None = None, batch_size: int = 128, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False) None

Create an instance of pixel defence.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • eps (int) – Defense parameter 0-255.

  • pixel_cnn – Pre-trained PixelCNN model.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.


class art.defences.preprocessor.Resample(sr_original: int, sr_new: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True)

Implement the resampling defense approach.

Resampling implicitly consists of a step that applies a low-pass filter. The underlying filter in this implementation is a Windowed Sinc Interpolation function.

__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Resample x to a new sampling rate.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to resample of shape (batch_size, length, channel) or (batch_size, channel, length).

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Resampled audio sample.

__init__(sr_original: int, sr_new: int, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True)

Create an instance of the resample preprocessor.

  • sr_original (int) – Original sampling rate of sample.

  • sr_new (int) – New sampling rate of sample.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

Spatial Smoothing

class art.defences.preprocessor.SpatialSmoothing(window_size: int = 3, channels_first: bool = False, clip_values: Tuple[int | float | ndarray, int | float | ndarray] | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True)

Implement the local spatial smoothing defence approach.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply local spatial smoothing to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to smooth with shape (batch_size, width, height, depth).

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Smoothed sample.

__init__(window_size: int = 3, channels_first: bool = False, clip_values: Tuple[int | float | ndarray, int | float | ndarray] | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True) None

Create an instance of local spatial smoothing.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • window_size (int) – The size of the sliding window.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

Spatial Smoothing - PyTorch

class art.defences.preprocessor.SpatialSmoothingPyTorch(window_size: int = 3, channels_first: bool = False, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, device_type: str = 'gpu')

Implement the local spatial smoothing defence approach in PyTorch.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(window_size: int = 3, channels_first: bool = False, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, device_type: str = 'gpu') None

Create an instance of local spatial smoothing.

  • window_size (int) – Size of spatial smoothing window.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • device_type (str) – Type of device on which the classifier is run, either gpu or cpu.

forward(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor | None]

Apply local spatial smoothing to sample x.

Spatial Smoothing - TensorFlow v2

class art.defences.preprocessor.SpatialSmoothingTensorFlowV2(window_size: int = 3, channels_first: bool = False, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True)

Implement the local spatial smoothing defence approach in TensorFlow v2.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__init__(window_size: int = 3, channels_first: bool = False, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True) None

Create an instance of local spatial smoothing.


Size of spatial smoothing window.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

forward(x: tf.Tensor, y: tf.Tensor | None = None) Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor | None]

Apply local spatial smoothing to sample x.

Thermometer Encoding

class art.defences.preprocessor.ThermometerEncoding(clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE, num_space: int = 10, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = True)

Implement the thermometer encoding defence approach.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply thermometer encoding to sample x. The new axis with the encoding is added as last dimension.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to encode with shape (batch_size, width, height, depth).

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Encoded sample with shape (batch_size, width, height, depth x num_space).

__init__(clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE, num_space: int = 10, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = True, apply_predict: bool = True) None

Create an instance of thermometer encoding.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • num_space (int) – Number of evenly spaced levels within the interval of minimum and maximum clip values.

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

estimate_gradient(x: ndarray, grad: ndarray) ndarray

Provide an estimate of the gradients of the defence for the backward pass. For thermometer encoding, the gradient estimate is the one used in, where the thermometer encoding is replaced with a differentiable approximation: g(x_{i,j,c})_k = min(max(x_{i,j,c} - k / self.num_space, 0), 1).

Return type:


  • x (ndarray) – Input data for which the gradient is estimated. First dimension is the batch size.

  • grad (ndarray) – Gradient value so far.


The gradient (estimate) of the defence.

Total Variance Minimization

class art.defences.preprocessor.TotalVarMin(prob: float = 0.3, norm: int = 2, lamb: float = 0.5, solver: str = 'L-BFGS-B', max_iter: int = 10, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Implement the total variance minimization defence approach.

Please keep in mind the limitations of defences. For more information on the limitations of this defence, see . For details on how to evaluate classifier security in general, see
__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply total variance minimization to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to compress with shape (batch_size, width, height, depth).

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Similar samples.

__init__(prob: float = 0.3, norm: int = 2, lamb: float = 0.5, solver: str = 'L-BFGS-B', max_iter: int = 10, clip_values: CLIP_VALUES_TYPE | None = None, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Create an instance of total variance minimization.

  • prob (float) – Probability of the Bernoulli distribution.

  • norm (int) – The norm (positive integer).

  • lamb (float) – The lambda parameter in the objective function.

  • solver (str) – Current support: L-BFGS-B, CG, Newton-CG.

  • max_iter (int) – Maximum number of iterations when performing optimization.

  • clip_values – Tuple of the form (min, max) representing the minimum and maximum values allowed for features.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.

Video Compression

class art.defences.preprocessor.VideoCompression(*, video_format: str, constant_rate_factor: int = 28, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Implement FFmpeg wrapper for video compression defence based on H.264/MPEG-4 AVC.

Video compression uses H.264 video encoding. The video quality is controlled with the constant rate factor parameter. More information on the constant rate factor:

__call__(x: ndarray, y: ndarray | None = None) Tuple[ndarray, ndarray | None]

Apply video compression to sample x.

  • x (ndarray) – Sample to compress of shape NCFHW or NFHWC. x values are expected to be either in range [0, 1] or [0, 255].

  • y – Labels of the sample x. This function does not affect them in any way.


Compressed sample.

__init__(*, video_format: str, constant_rate_factor: int = 28, channels_first: bool = False, apply_fit: bool = False, apply_predict: bool = True, verbose: bool = False)

Create an instance of VideoCompression.

  • video_format (str) – Specify one of supported video file extensions, e.g. avi, mp4 or mkv.

  • constant_rate_factor (int) – Specify constant rate factor (range 0 to 51, where 0 is lossless).

  • channels_first (bool) – Set channels first or last.

  • apply_fit (bool) – True if applied during fitting/training.

  • apply_predict (bool) – True if applied during predicting.

  • verbose (bool) – Show progress bars.